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Viewing Borobudur Temple in Sidan Village
Selasa, 9 Juli 2013, 15:42 WITA Follow




A new tourist attraction in Bali is now presented. This tourist attraction called Taman Nusa is a cultural and recreational park and it is dedicated to make the tourists better in understanding Indonesian culture.

This tourist attraction is located in Sidan village, Gianyar.  It can be reached in an hour from Denpasar.  The tourists are charged 150.000 rupiahs for an entry to visit this place.

Taman Nusa built on 15 hectares area. On this natural yet unspoiled countryside, there built 43 traditional houses models from all provinces in Indonesia.
Firstly while entering the tourist area of Taman Nusa, visitors will be invited to enter a cave. This artificial cave tells them about Indonesian prehistoric period.

After passing through artificial prehistoric caves, visitors can see a replica of the Borobudur Temple, which built to resemble the original. At the replica temple, visitors can touch the statue of Buddha in the stupa, as well as it exists at Borobudur temple in Central Java.

Pleased after seeing the replica of the Borobudur temple, visitors are then invited to see the various types of traditional houses from various parts of Indonesia such as custom homes.

Papua, West Sulawesi ,Mamuju traditional house, traditional house of Toraja, Kalimantan custom home, custom home of Minangkabau, Malay traditional house, traditional house Toba, and dozens of other typical Indonesian traditional houses.

After seeing a variety of typical Indonesian traditional house, Taman Nusa visitors can also see a variety of typical Indonesian arts such as Tor-Tor dance from North Sumatra. Several dance performances are also presented there, like Balinese dance and Jaipong from West Java.

The sculpture of Patih Gajah Mada can also be seen in this place. And the icons of proclamation, Sukarno-Hatta statue also stood upright in one part of the garden tour.

According to President Director  of Taman Nusa, Santoso Senangsyah, Taman Nusa features panoramic journey times of Indonesia from time to time, starting Prehistoric era, bronze, empire, Nusantara, earlier era of Indonesia, present era of Indonesia, until the section of expected Indonesia future.

Santoso said the idea of establishing a set of Taman Nusa came when sense of concerning the preservation of national culture has faded.

"This place is the center of the nation's preservation of culture. We built Taman Nusa up because we were concerned, as the culture now has no value, no meaning, then we tried to take back our cultural existence. We built up Taman Nusa so this could be a center of culture preservation and helps to research culture of Indonesia," he said.

He added, one  of Taman Nusa missions is to preserve and develop the Indonesian culture, by introducing them to the children of Indonesia.


Editor : Henggar Larasati

Reporter: bbn/sin

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