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The Development of The Besan Klungkung Tourism Village was Accelerated
Kamis, 7 November 2019, 18:00 WITA Follow




Klungkung Regency has a lot of tourism attractions, one of them is Besan Village which has the charm of hilly tourism. To support and develop the beauty of it, some efforts have been made by Pokdarwis (Tourism Awareness group) of Besan village, one of them is cooperating with investors who will invest to develop the potential of the Besan Tourism Village.

This was revealed when Dawan Sub-District head, AA Putra Wedana, the head of Pokdarwis of Besan Village, Nengah Dikcy Supastawa, the head of Besan Village, I Ketut Yasa, and the customary head of Besan, I Ketut Wardana together with investors held an audience with the Klungkung Regent, I Nyoman Suwirta in his office, Thursday (11/7).

Made Andyana Putra, as an investor, said that the development of tourism villages has now become a global agenda, even becoming one of the trends in the development of tourism in Bali. This trend is a response to new motivations in traveling. For this reason, he and Pokdarwis in  Besan village wish to develop the tourist charm of the Besan tourism village by creating recreation areas and creating new tourist destinations.

"We, together with several investors from Jakarta and Malaysia, want to develop the charm of Abah Hill tourism by creating new recreational areas and tourist destinations," Made Andyana Putra said when giving a presentation in front of the Regent, Suwirta.

Regent Suwirta welcomed the efforts made by Pokdarwis of Besan village to support government programs in the field of tourism. Regent Suwirta said, the development of tourism villages must be supported by quality human resources who are competent and understand the principles as well as the concepts of tourism villages.

"The development of a tourism village must be supported by human resources who really understand and are directly involved in the world of tourism," he said. 

In addition, the development of  tourism village must involve village stakeholders and the local community by prioritizing the principle of benefits rather than the principle of profit.

"The involvement of the local community is a major element in the development of this tourism village, thus there will grow a sense of belonging to the development of tourism in their village," he said.

Regent Suwirta hopes that by cooperating with several investors, the development of the Besan tourism village will soon be realized so that later it can improve the welfare of the community, especially the Besan village community.

Reporter: bbn/eng

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